Prof. James McCanney
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Brief info
Professor James McCanney is the original pioneer who created the theoretical structure bringing together the electrical nature of the cosmos. His years as a faculty member of Cornell University Physics and Mathematics Departments came at a time when a wealth of new data was arriving from around the solar system that mystified and confused the scientific establishment.
Working alone he created the basis of the original and often copied Electric Universe which describes the true working of comets, the planets and their weather systems, stellar fusion, the true causes of red shift and bending of light in the universe, electromagnetic propulsion systems that can ride the "electric rivers to the stars", the true nature of prime numbers, discoverer of the true nature of the Nazca Palpa Lines, discoverer of the real work of Nikola Tesla, inventor of the patented JMCC WING Generator, guest on many international radio and TV shows as well as History Channel Specials including Russian and Japanese TV, weekly talk show host, and much more.
This lecture series includes the original mini-series "Tesla's Mind" and the point-by-point critique of Carl Sagan's COSMOS series entitled "COSMOS - The Real Story" that you do not want to miss. Also included is the 200-part Educational Series for K-12 through university returning private educators and parents to real education. Enter here as Professor McCanney dissects and dismisses standard science and replaces it with the true workings of the Divine Plan.
Show: James McCanney Science Hour