Dr Mike Spaulding
Host/ producer
Brief info
Mike was ordained to the ministry in 1998. He is the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima and hosts the Soaring Eagle Radio show, an interview, news, and commentary show available by subscription through iTunes or Speaker or by going directly to the Soaring Eagle Radio website – www.soaringeagleradio.com
He is also the host of a Monday evening show Dr. Mike Live found on several social media platforms as well as www.thetransformingword.com
The Transforming Word is Pastor Mike’s Bible-teaching ministry. The program is heard on radio stations in Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, and New Jersey and is available as a podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker, or by listening on www.thetransformingword.com.
Mike holds an undergraduate degree in Organizational Management from Bluffton University, a graduate degree in Theological Studies from Logos University, and a Ph.D. in Apologetics from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.
Show: Soaring Eagle Radio